Healthy Skin Tips

Top Tips For Healthy Skin At Suzanne's Hair & Beauty Clinic In Coventry

7 Steps For Healthier Skin, Suzanne's Hair and Beauty Salon in Coventry

Truly understanding your skin is the first step towards a lifetime of skin health.  At Suzanne’s Beauty Salon in Coventry, we are trained to the highest standards so we can analyse your skin and devise a prescriptive facial to treat your skin’s needs.  Call us on 024 76 63 5078 to book a complimentary skin consultation.  In the meantime, make sure you follow these steps to healthier skin...

1. Facials

A regular facial is a great way to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.  Our Dermalogica facials are 100% customised to your skin's needs, based on our in-depth consultation.  Treatments usually include a double cleanse, steam, exfoliation, extractions, essential oil massage, masque, tone and moisturise, plus SPR protection.  Find out more about our Dermalogica facials here.

2. Sun Protection

Exposure to the sun’s UV rays is the leading cause of premature skin ageing so it's vital you wear a high SPF sun cream even in the cooler Autumn and Winter months.

3. Eat Well

If you want glossy hair and glowing skin, it's time to start eating more healthily.  Skin-loving nutrients include:

Vitamin A – Helps maintain healthy, smooth skin and healthy hair. Add some carrots and sweet potatoes to your diet.

Riboflavin (B2) – Helps prevent skin disorders, especially around the nose, lips and mouth. Think spinach, mushrooms, milk products, liver and eggs.

Niacin (B3) – Helps prevent skin disorders such as sun spots and pigmentation). It also improves hydration and skin barrier function. We're talking peanuts, white meats, fish, mushrooms and potatoes.

Vitamin B6 – Helps prevent skin disorders and cracks around the mouth.  Add fish, liver, potatoes and fruit (but not citrus fruit) to your shopping list.

Vitamin C – Helps to heal the skin and boost collagen production. Good sources include oranges and other citrus fruits, kiwi, mango, broccoli and green peas.

Vitamin D – Helps keep skin and bones healthy. Try tuna, mackerel, and salmon, beef liver, cheese and egg yolks.

4. Hydrate Your Skin 

If your skin is dry, this may prevent the skin cells from receiving the right amount of nutrients.  So keep your skin hydrated with a regular facial at Suzanne's Beauty Salon in Coventry, and invest in a high-quality day and night moisturiser.  Avoid soaps which are going to dry out your skin. 

5. Hydrate Your Body

Keep your body performing well - and your skin less dry - by drinking plenty of water.  There are no official recommendations for how much you should drink, but most nutritionists will suggest at least 8 glasses of water a day.

6. Stop Smoking

Smoking causes your skin to age.  It increases the breakdown of collagen in our skin and constricts blood vessels which can lead to unhealthy, wrinkled and sallow-looking skin.  Smokers also tend to develop lines around their lips from the constant sucking on the cigarette.    We are sure you are already aware also of the increased risk of oral cancers, lung and other cancers, plus risk of respiratory diseases caused by smoking.  

7.  Cut Down On Alcohol

Cut back on the alcohol if you want to look younger for longer!  When you drink excessive amounts of alcohol, your blood vessels enlarge which can give your cheeks a flushed look, which may become permanent over time.  Alcohol also depletes the amount of Vitamin C in our bodies, which can lead to premature skin aging.  Heavy drinking can also increase your blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, both of which are major risk factors for heart attacks and strokes. Long-term alcohol misuse can weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to serious infections.